From 1st October 2008 landlords offering property for rent in England and Wales will be required by law to provide prospective tenants with an Energy Performance Certificate for their property.
Landlords with property in Scotland will have to provide an Energy Performance Certificate from 4th January 2009.
The certificates (EPCs) will have to be provided free either when (or before) any written information about the property is provided to prospective tenants or a viewing is conducted. They will not have to be provided if the landlord believes the prospective tenant is unlikely to have sufficient funds to rent the property or is not genuinely interested in renting, or the landlord is unlikely to be prepared to rent the property to the prospective tenant.
A new certificate will not be required on each let since, in the case of rental property EPCs will be valid for 10 years.
The requirement is being introduced to comply with the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which applies to all property, including rented property.
Failure to comply will mean you are liable to fines and loss of ability to let your property.
A new certificate will not be required on each let since, in the case of rental property EPCs will be valid for 10 years.
The requirement is being introduced to comply with the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which applies to all property, including rented property.
Failure to comply will mean you are liable to fines and loss of ability to let your property.
Don’t wait until the rush starts in October. EPCs last for 10 years. Save money and time by acting now.
Through NetRent.co.uk you can order Energy Performance Certificates at a discounted rate of just £60.00 plus VAT for all properties up to 6 bedrooms. This offer ends on 31st August 2008.
Take advantage of this special offer now to make considerable savings. The Sunday Times recently quoted the Residential Landlords Association as suggesting that an EPC is likely to cost approximately £200 once the law comes into effect. In addition demand will be high. An important factor to consider is possible delays caused to the landlord in the marketing their properties for rent because they do not have an EPC in place. It will be a busy time for Energy Assessors and so delays in turn around of the EPC could result in a loss of rental income.
For more information ring us now on 01352 759988 or email us at enquiries@netrent.co.uk or complete this form Energy Performance Certificates.
Through NetRent.co.uk you can order Energy Performance Certificates at a discounted rate of just £60.00 plus VAT for all properties up to 6 bedrooms. This offer ends on 31st August 2008.
Take advantage of this special offer now to make considerable savings. The Sunday Times recently quoted the Residential Landlords Association as suggesting that an EPC is likely to cost approximately £200 once the law comes into effect. In addition demand will be high. An important factor to consider is possible delays caused to the landlord in the marketing their properties for rent because they do not have an EPC in place. It will be a busy time for Energy Assessors and so delays in turn around of the EPC could result in a loss of rental income.
For more information ring us now on 01352 759988 or email us at enquiries@netrent.co.uk or complete this form Energy Performance Certificates.
To see more information from the Government please visit their website Department for Communities and Local Government.