Energy Performance Certificates became mandatory on virtually every new tenancy in England and Wales from 1st October. As we have been predicting for months demand for EPCs has risen sharply across the country. This has caused prices to rise and because there is a general shortage of qualified assessors there are now delays in getting EPCs completed.
Landlords have already contacted us to say that their letting agents will not allow tenants to move into properties without a valid EPC. This has caused landlords to miss out on valuable rental income.
Since March we have been able to hold the price of EPCs supplied through NetRent.co.uk at just £70.50 inc VAT. Regretfully, as from Monday 6th October we will have to increase the price of our EPCs to £80 inc VAT.
Our advice to landlords remains the same - book your EPCs now to save time and money. Remember EPCs last for 10 years, get them done now and get them out of the way.
EPCs become mandatory in Scotland from 4th January 2009. If you have rental property in Scotland book your EPCs now.
For more information on EPCs and to order an EPC please click here EPCs through NetRent.co.uk
Landlords have already contacted us to say that their letting agents will not allow tenants to move into properties without a valid EPC. This has caused landlords to miss out on valuable rental income.
Since March we have been able to hold the price of EPCs supplied through NetRent.co.uk at just £70.50 inc VAT. Regretfully, as from Monday 6th October we will have to increase the price of our EPCs to £80 inc VAT.
Our advice to landlords remains the same - book your EPCs now to save time and money. Remember EPCs last for 10 years, get them done now and get them out of the way.
EPCs become mandatory in Scotland from 4th January 2009. If you have rental property in Scotland book your EPCs now.
For more information on EPCs and to order an EPC please click here EPCs through NetRent.co.uk