NetRent.co.uk have teamed up with award winning Utility Warehouse to help Landlords and Tenants save money on their Gas, Electric and Telephone bills.
It's a special deal based on switching your tenants to one supplier - who guarantee to save your tenants money - so everyone's a winner. There are no catches - it just involves a small amount of your time. If you sign up enough people (tenants or others) you could even get FREE Gas, Electric and Telephone FOR LIFE
This amazing offer is available to every landlord in the UK and Utility Warehouse are also giving away a BMW Mini in a fabulous prize draw.
Utility Warehouse is an award winning provider of phone, internet, mobile, gas and electricity services.
Utility Warehouse offer all their customers a unique "Triple Value" guarantee:
- For your gas, we guarantee our prices will always be cheaper than British Gas, wherever you live in the UK.
- For your electricity, we guarantee our prices will always be cheaper than the prices charged by the regional electricity supplier for the area where you live.
- And for your complete peace of mind we guarantee our prices will always remain competitive compared with the cheapest standard tariffs available from the "Big 6" suppliers.
On top of this unique Triple Value guarantee you can save an extra 0.5%-100% on your electric, gas, telephone, broadband and mobile bills. Every time someone introduced by you switches a service to Utility Warehouse you will save 0.5%.
For example, if they switch their electricity, gas, phone and broadband YOU will save 2%. Just 5 people switching these utilities will save you 10% from YOUR electricity, gas, broadband, phone and mobile bills. There is no limit to the people you can introduce - so you really can get FREE utility bills. (Please note that a fair use policy applies to phone and mobile savings). The more people you introduce the more you will save, it's as simple as that.Award winning service, a unique Triple Value guarantee, the potential for FREE electricity, gas, broadband, phone and mobile - and a prize draw to win a BMW Mini - that's the NetRent.co.uk/Utility Warehouse offer.
To enter the FREE prize draw to win a BMW Mini please either email us at enquiries@netrent.co.uk or ring NetRent.co.uk on 01352 721300