NetRent.co.uk will be at two more Landlords Expos over the next couple of weeks, in Wakefield and Bristol. We'd love to see you there.
The first venue is the Kingswood Suite & Old Restaurant at Wakefield Town Hall on Thursday 22nd April. The doors are open between 10.30 and 3pm and all landlords and agents are welcome. In addition to NetRent.co.uk there will be a range of seminars and exhibitors. For more information please click here:
On the 28th April NetRent.co.uk will be attending the West of England Landlord Expo in Bristol. This event is the largest Expo of it's kind in the UK and runs from 12 noon until 7pm. Again, there will be a host of other exhibitors and seminars. For full information please click here:
NetRent.co.uk will be attending a number of other Landlord Expos and Fairs throughout 2010, please continue to check this News Blog for further dates. We very much look forward to meeting you.