There is some cause for optimism for landlords this year. Demand for rental properties continues to grow, with many landlords looking to expand their portfolios and increase their rents.
However, it’s not all rosy, as the issue of rent arrears is once again rearing its ugly head.
You can read the full article here Landlords: What to do if your tenant won’t pay!
NetRent.co.uk has a wide range of support and help for Landlords. Our Landlord Resource Centre is the UK's largest free on-line source of help and advice for landlords, click here for more information The Landlord Resource Centre
Rent on Time through NetRent.co.uk ensures that Landlords receive their rent, on time, every month whether the tenant pays or not. Click here to find out more about this unique service Rent on Time.
We advise all Landlords to thoroughly credit check every tenant. Our business partners are Experian, the world's leading credit reference agency. For more information about this service please click here Tenant Referencing.
If you need help and advice we have a range of options for you to choose from. Free telephone help and advice is available through our business partners Pebble, click here for more information Help and Advice.
In addition we have a range of specialist firms and solicitors who are experts in Landlord and Tenant Law. Click here for Tenant Issues and here for a list of Solicitors throughout the UK.
If you need any further assistance please contact NetRent.co.uk on 01352 721300 or email us at enquiries@netrent.co.uk or use our online page Contact NetRent.co.uk and we will be pleased to help.