These are the conditions in which three children were made to live in a house in Burton – and has left a furious landlord with the bill to clean it up.
Piles of bin bags and rubbish accumulated by the house’s previous tenant have left the property resembling a tip.
There has hardly been a space left untouched, with bags and various items of rubbish spilling out into the garden.
After the tenant decided to leave the premises, landlord Jagjit Singh has been left to clean up the mess.
Mr Singh had been locked in a battle to evict the mother from his property in St Mark’s Road, Horninglow, after she had failed to pay rent for nearly a year, which he says has cost him thousands of pounds.
But Mr Singh only discovered the full scale of the condition the house had been left in after finally regaining access to his house, which the woman and her children had been living in for the past two years.
He told the Mail: “It has been left absolutely ruined. There has been a lot of damage done.
“The lady stopped paying rent last year, and I’ve been trying to get her out ever since. I had to go to court to get an eviction notice. It’s taken nearly a year.”

Mr Singh was horrified about what he discovered after getting back into his house and has been left with the headache of sorting out the mess that has been left behind.
He also said he had given up any hope of recouping any of the money lost.
Mr Singh added: “I’ll have to pay to clean it. It will be coming out of my pocket. I won’t be getting any money back. I’ve lost that money.
“I can’t understand how someone could live like that. I've never seen a house like it.”