The Electrical Safety Council (ESC) has published a new guide – the Landlords’ Guide to Electrical Safety – as part of its campaign to improve electrical safety in privately rented accommodation.
The guide aims to help landlords understand their responsibilities for electrical safety in rental properties and offers practical advice on the actions required to meet their legal obligations and help keep tenants safe and. It also includes information on electrical certification, when it is required and who can carry out electrical work.
Phil Buckle, director general of the Electrical Safety Council said “Landlords have a legal obligation to make sure that the electrical installation in their rented properties is safe. An inspection of the electrical installation by a registered electrician, known as a ‘Periodic Inspection’, checks for any lack of earthing or bonding and can identify potential dangers. Tenants should ask to see a copy of the Period Inspection Report before moving into a rented property to check that the electric installation has been confirmed as safe for use.”
As well as working with landlords, the ESC will also be targeting tenants in privately rented homes – particularly students and migrant communities. This aspect of the campaign aims to raise tenants’ awareness of their landlord’s legal obligations and to highlight what tenants can do themselves to improve electrical safety in their rented home.
To download a copy of the Guide click here Landlords' Guide to Electrical Safety