The petition on the Number 10 website called for the Government to revert to direct payments of Housing Benefits. Two things stand out, first a shockingly low total of just 1,318 landlords actually signed the Petition and second is the way that the Government have totally dismissed the reality faced by many landlords who accept Housing Benefit.
NetRent attend many landlord events and forums. We have heard time and again landlords complain that tenants are abusing the new system and not paying landlords. Many landlords have decided to stop offering their properties to people on Housing Benefit. And yet when given an opportunity to register their concerns only 1,318 bothered to take the time to add their names to the Petition. Is it any wonder that the Government take no notice of landlords?
We have to ask why landlords did not sign this Petition in significant numbers. We would also question what landlord associations at both national and local levels have actually done about this situation. If landlords and landlord associations cannot be bothered to campaign vigorously then Government will continue to ignore their legitimate concerns.
In their reply to the Petition the Government state that they are happy that the current system works "We are satisfied that these safeguards will ensure that vulnerable customers do not fall into unmanageable difficulties and that their rental payments will be met." We are sure that many landlords will disagree.
Click here to read the full response Reply to the Petition