On December 8th The National Landlords Association gave evidence to the National Assembly for Wales’ Community and Culture Committee Inquiry.
Quite rightly the NLA pointed out that there was sufficient enforcement powers already in place for local authorities to deal with rogue landlords but they argued that local authorities do not consistently enforce them.
Their representative also stated “Accreditation of landlords is the key as it provides the bench-mark of quality. With greater incentives from local authorities, more landlords will be encouraged to join accreditation schemes for their personal development and their legitimate business interests.”
NetRent agree that Accreditation is vital to the future of letting in the UK, however, we believe that Accreditation needs to bring tangible and quantifiable benefits to landlords who take the time and effort to become Accredited.
The NLA are seeking self regulation for landlords - NetRent do not believe that this will ever work in practice. The previous Westminster government undertook the Rugg Report which called for mandatory licencing of all landlords in England and Wales. Scotland already has such a scheme. We believe that mandatory licencing is the only way to begin to stamp out the significant minority of rogue landlords who tarnish the lettings industry.
NetRent call on the Welsh Assembly Government to add significant value to the Landlord Accreditation Wales Scheme and to introduce mandatory licencing of all landlords.
To read the NLA's press release please click here NLA Give evidence to the National Assembly for Wales’ Community and Culture Committee Inquiry
If you wish to comment on this Blog post or any other aspect of letting in the UK you can do so through the NetRent Forum, please click here The NetRent Forum.
Click here for more information about the Landlord Accreditation Scheme Wales
Quite rightly the NLA pointed out that there was sufficient enforcement powers already in place for local authorities to deal with rogue landlords but they argued that local authorities do not consistently enforce them.
Their representative also stated “Accreditation of landlords is the key as it provides the bench-mark of quality. With greater incentives from local authorities, more landlords will be encouraged to join accreditation schemes for their personal development and their legitimate business interests.”
NetRent agree that Accreditation is vital to the future of letting in the UK, however, we believe that Accreditation needs to bring tangible and quantifiable benefits to landlords who take the time and effort to become Accredited.
The NLA are seeking self regulation for landlords - NetRent do not believe that this will ever work in practice. The previous Westminster government undertook the Rugg Report which called for mandatory licencing of all landlords in England and Wales. Scotland already has such a scheme. We believe that mandatory licencing is the only way to begin to stamp out the significant minority of rogue landlords who tarnish the lettings industry.
NetRent call on the Welsh Assembly Government to add significant value to the Landlord Accreditation Wales Scheme and to introduce mandatory licencing of all landlords.
To read the NLA's press release please click here NLA Give evidence to the National Assembly for Wales’ Community and Culture Committee Inquiry
If you wish to comment on this Blog post or any other aspect of letting in the UK you can do so through the NetRent Forum, please click here The NetRent Forum.
Click here for more information about the Landlord Accreditation Scheme Wales