Rental arrears are still a worry for UK property landlords despite rising demand and predictions that the sector will be buoyant in 2011.
The good news is that 2010 is ending on a high note for the buy to let industry as an increasing number of residential landlords say that they are confident in the marketplace.
To read the report please click here December Upad Landlord Confidence Index.
Landlords worried about rent arrears can protect their income with Rent on Time, which ensures that your rent is paid, every month, whether the tenant pays or not. Please click here for more information Rent on Time.
Alternatively, you can insure against loss of rent with products such as Rent Protection. NetRent.co.uk offer landlords a complete range of insurance products through our business partners Towergate. For more information please click here Insurance through NetRent.co.uk.
The good news is that 2010 is ending on a high note for the buy to let industry as an increasing number of residential landlords say that they are confident in the marketplace.
To read the report please click here December Upad Landlord Confidence Index.
Landlords worried about rent arrears can protect their income with Rent on Time, which ensures that your rent is paid, every month, whether the tenant pays or not. Please click here for more information Rent on Time.
Alternatively, you can insure against loss of rent with products such as Rent Protection. NetRent.co.uk offer landlords a complete range of insurance products through our business partners Towergate. For more information please click here Insurance through NetRent.co.uk.