Tuesday 13 December 2011

Private tenants are trapped into higher fuel bills

Tenants who live in the coldest privately rented homes which haemorrhage heat through the walls, windows and doors are trapped into higher fuel bills because they rely on landlords to make their properties energy efficient.

Citizens Advice and Friends of the Earth today (Tuesday 13 December) called on private landlords and Government to take action on heatless homes that are costing tenants hundreds of pounds in wasted energy a year. Citizens Advice wants:
  • private landlords to take responsibility for cutting tenants’ fuel bills and make their homes more energy efficient now, instead of waiting for the Government to force their hand in 2018;
  • the Government to bring forward, from 2018 to 2016, the date when it will be an offence, in most cases, to let or market a property that falls below an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating Band E – a move which would save tenants in the worst insulated properties up to £1000*.
Click here to read the full story Private tenants are trapped into higher fuel bills